Educatet audiologist, pedadgoug, and a master in economy and management.
My hobby became my passion and the passion became my full time job.
Working full time with dogs (since 2013) - trained with dogs actively since 1996 - having 40-60 courses a year, 100 - 300 consultations (home to clients) and use all my time on dogs, more than less.
Have 10 employees in the professional genre and 80 contact-persons in mye activity group managed 37 different "departments" spread through out Norway, witch we have about 10.000 visiters each year.
Have at the time 6 Rhodesian Ridgebacks, witch I use actively in mye courses and consultants.
Married with Sandra and have 4 grown up children
I will never stop learning and I am really glad i have the opportunity to join this community to learn even more. Thank you for that possibility